Monday, April 13, 2009

April 2009 15th Anniversary

The Prospect Land Trust’s
15th Anniversary Dinner and Annual Meeting

Dear Friends, Fellow Members, and Land Trust Supporters,

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been 15 years since the establishment of the Prospect Land Trust. During this time, the number of properties that have come under the stewardship of the PLT has increased dramatically, but so has the amount of pressure placed on efforts to preserve open space. While your past support has enabled the PLT to diffuse some of this pressure, many challenges lay ahead for which your input will be greatly coveted, and your participation, greatly appreciated. Together, we’re confident that we can work effectively with town officials to help achieve an optimal balance between the competing needs of fostering development while preserving open space for our mutual benefit as well as that of future generations.

To celebrate this key milestone, you are hereby cordially invited to attend the PLT’s 15th Anniversary Dinner and Annual Meeting, where we will:

§ Honor Tina Barry, a Girl Scout who developed a hiking trail located on our Summit Heights property. This trail was created as a Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Also Mike Bohuski who made improvements to an existing trail at our College Farms Hiking Trail. These improvements were part of his Eagle Scout Project.
§ Recognize new lifetime members
§ Share ideas for new participatory activities in 2009
§ Enjoy each other’s company during a delicious buffet dinner & dessert; catch up with old friends and make new friends who share a love for open space
§ Gain a more intimate appreciation for the beauty of what may lie right in our own back yard from our guest speaker, John Sheirer, author of the memoir, “Loop Year: 365 Days on the Trail”, which received the Connecticut Green Circle Award for environmental activism.
Where: Addona’s Banquet Room
72 Waterbury Road
Prospect, CT 06712
(casual attire)

When: Wednesday, April 22nd
6:00-6:30 Reception
6:30-9:00 Recognition of Special Honorees,
Buffet Dinner & Dessert, Guest Speaker,
Lifetime Member Certificate Presentation, and Election of PLT Board and Officer Nominees

Cost: $20 per person
(Children: $12 ages 4-11; no charge under 4)

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience, but no later than April 17th by detaching the reservation form below and returning it with your payment using the enclosed envelope (or e-mail the PLT at
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Prospect Land Trust’s 15th Anniversary Dinner & Annual Meeting
Please RSVP by Friday, April 17th

Name ______________________________________

Phone ___________________ No. of persons attending ______

Check Enclosed (√) ______ payable to Prospect Land Trust
in the amount* of $_________
* Cost: $20 per person; $12 for each child ages 4-11.
Includes buffet dinner, coffee/ tea, dessert and cash bar


  1. I think this is a wonderful idea..:) Thanks for doing this!!!

  2. Sounds like a fun night, hope you have a wonderful turnout!! Love the blog!!!
