Monday, March 28, 2011


The Prospect Land Trust cordially invites you to attend our 17th Anniversary Celebration. The gathering will feature an informational forum moderated by public television and radio personality, and Prospect Land Trust member Larry Rifkin.

Prospect is a beautiful community. As you drive the highways and byways of our town, it is impossible to ignore or miss the scenic woods, open fields, streams and other natural wonders. Although it was this beauty that attracted many of us to live here, it is a fragile situation. Preservation of this beauty is essential to the character of our town. This forum will explore techniques and strategies successfully utilized in saving open space by two of the most successful land trusts in Connecticut.

Board Members from the Southbury and Cheshire Land Trusts will share experiences that can readily assist our community as well as other local Land Trusts in their efforts to save open space. In addition, local Planning and Zoning, Inland Wetlands’ Boards as well as town Conservation Commissions will find this information useful in effectively addressing their missions.

This timely discussion will feature Larry Rifkin as moderator. Many citizens know him best from his work at Ct. Public Television where “he directed the station’s programming efforts during the most creative and award winning period in its history”. Currently, Larry is host of Talk of the Town on 1320 WATR and

Karen Huber, executive director of the Southbury Land Trust and Janice O’Neill Yusza executive director of the Cheshire Land Trust will serve on the forum panel. Both women will bring a lifetime of expertise to this discussion.

Karen Huber has served on the New Fairfield and Southbury Inland Wetland Commissions, as well as the founding board of the Fairfield Land Trust. Janice O’Neill Yusza has been active in corporate fund raising and securing grants as part of her duties with the Cheshire Land Trust. She also serves on an advisory board within the Community Foundation of Greater New Haven.

At the conclusion of this informational discussion, Larry Rifkin will facilitate a question and answer session concerning what we, as individuals and organizations, can do to contribute to this critical mission.

We hope you will be able to take time to hear what can be done to preserve the natural beauty of our community and what you might do to contribute to this worthwhile effort.

Please join us for what promises to be a most informative evening on Wednesday April 27, 2011 in the Prospect Library Community Room. Doors will open for a meet and greet at 7:00 pm. Panel discussion will commence at 7:30pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information, please contact
Dr. Joel Meisel at 203-758-6812

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