Wednesday, April 25, 2012

You are cordially invited to join us for our 18th Annual Meeting.

Prospect Land Trust Celebrates 18 Years
“The importance of vernal pools, wetlands, and aquifers”

Our guest speaker will be Alberto F. Mimo, North East Naturalist Services( Mr. Mimo is currently on the board of the Prospect Conservation Commission for the Town of Prospect. The Conservation Commission worked with the Town of Prospect in developing it's Open Space Plan. He recently held a workshop on vernal pool mapping and a group of volunteers set out to map the vernal pools in the Town of Prospect on March 26th. He continues this important work in our town and will be working on a wetlands project this summer.  It is important that we as a community take on this important work so that we can ensure that the need for development does not out weigh the need for open space and the protection of our valuable and irreplaceable natural resources.  
Please mark your calendars and join us on Wednesday April 25, 2012 to learn about how we are all custodians of these valuable natural resources and what we need to do to protect them. Meeting to be held at the Prospect Town Library's Community Room Doors will open at 7:00pm. There will be light refreshments.  

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