Sunday, March 16, 2014

Prospect Land Trust to Hold Two-day Event to Celebrate 20th Anniversary Featuring Greg Hanisek

Join us on Saturday, April 26th at  9:00am for a Bird Walk at Kathan Woods.  Have fun exploring one of our local natural habitats to learn more about the birds in our area, to improve your identification skills and simply enjoy the beauty of Kathan Woods (82.1 acres) with PLT leaders and Greg Hanisek - naturalist, writer and recently retired news editor at the Republican- American newspaper. Greg has authored “Birds by the Season”, teaches introductory bird watching classes, leads bird and butterfly walks, and has conducted bird surveys for numerous organizations such as The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Audubon Society and Ct. Ornithological Assoc.  His 50+ years of field experience promise to make this a most enjoyable morning!  Binoculars and field guides are encouraged; all levels of birders are welcome. Meet leaders at Boardman Drive cul-de-sac.  Follow Rt. 68 (traveling towards Cheshire) and take a left onto Plank Rd.  Take your first left onto Boardman Dr. and follow the road to the end of the cul-du-sac. No pets. Pre-registration is not necessary.

You are also cordially invited to join us on Sunday, April 27th for an Anniversary Dinner at Dom’s Brickhouse with guest speaker Greg Hanisek who will be presenting his “The Making of a Naturalist” slide show.

Greg will be talking about how his interest in nature, which started with birds as a very young child, developed over the years to encompass a very wide range of things including plants, fish, mammals, reptiles, butterflies, dragonflies, fungi, etc.  He will also share some of the unforgettable characters and mentors he met along the way.

Greg will illustrate his talk with photos/slides, which include a little of everything: birds of many kinds, butterflies, plants, snakes, etc.  Those of you who are familiar with Greg’s “Nature” column in the Waterbury Republican American Newspaper will enjoy his combination of facts and information of natural history as well as his insights into the natural world.

Both events are open to the public, but reservations are necessary for the anniversary dinner and slide show.  A brief annual meeting will be held after the presentation.

We look forward to seeing you!
Below you will find your invite/RSVP for the 20th Anniversary Dinner and Greg Hanisek's presentation "The Making of a Naturalist"

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