Sunday, May 18, 2014

Prospect Land Trust Welcomes New President – Bill Rinckel

At the Prospect Land Trust’s 20th Anniversary Celebration H. William (Bill) Rinckel was elected as the President of the Prospect Land Trust (PLT) for 2014. Bill stated  “it has been an honor to be elected to the office of President”. Bill would also like to thank Dr. Joel Meisel for his past service as President of PLT and for agreeing to be his mentor. Additionally, he would like to thank Joel and Theresa Meisel and the team for planning and coordinating the 20th Anniversary Celebration at Dom’s Brick House with special guest Greg Hanisek. Greg treated us to his “The Making of a Naturalist” slide show. It was an evening filled with good food, good friends and good times to remember.
Bill has been a member of the PLT for several years and a resident of Prospect since 1998. His wife, Patty, has been a resident of Prospect for her entire life. You may know her as Miss Lutkus, Mrs. Moody, or Mrs. Rinckel having been a teacher at Algonquin School for 37+ years.
For the last couple of years, Bill has have been a PLT Board Member and the Property Steward for the PLT’s College Farms property. He has also been involved with several projects held at other  PLT property holdings. Bill stated that “whenever these activities occur it appears that it is always the same people who help out”. So, one of the goals Bill has set as PLT President will be to keep the new and existing members informed of all PLT activities, what is happening, what has happened, and find ways that new and existing members might find interesting to support your Prospect Land Trust.
Bill suggested that members and the entire Prospect community visit the PLT blog / website, periodically and “bookmark” the site.  This is where we post all of our activities and notifications including cancellations and re-scheduled events.
The PLT is currently finalizing our Annual Membership Drive. If you have paid your annual dues, thank you very much! If have not paid your 2014 dues membership, we ask that you please do so. The information is on our blog / website.
Please let us know if you have any ideas, suggestions, or would like to help out in any way by sending a note to
As a reminder: Our mission is to acquire, maintain, and manage property in the Town of Prospect so that wetlands and watercourses, farmlands, woodlands, and other significant lands can be preserved in their present state, thereby protecting them for their scenic, natural, and historical value and for educational and recreational benefits for present and for all future generations.

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