Friday, November 20, 2015

22nd Annual Hike held on October 18, 2015

From Patty Rinckel...
It can't be snow... oh no, not in October! But the flurries only lasted a few minutes, making way for blue skies showcasing orange, yellow, and red splashes of leaves. The PLT annual fall hike was held October 18 at the Regional Water Authority property on Cornwall Avenue. Fourteen people braved the crisp air to hike on the beautiful trails. John Triana taught us the differences among several species of oak trees. Who would have thought that there are so many varieties of acorns? We discovered that acorns are plentiful this fall. With John's help we identified several species of birds: juncos, thrushes, cardinals, blue jays, and a yellow rumped warbler. Bright red berries reflected off the sparkling off the sparkling water, making for a wonderful hiking day.
photos: Bill Rinckel

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