Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

With the New Year comes New Year Resolutions. Why not make a resolution to reconnect with what’s most important in your life. Family and Friends! What better way to do this than to put down and move away from all the electrical devices that have become part of our daily lives and instead get out of the house and enjoy the Great Outdoors. Study upon study have shown the importance of being outside, exploring our natural environment, and participating in unstructured play as one of the most important benefits we can give ourselves as well as our family. Prospect Land Trust is continuing with its mission of community involvement by providing many opportunities to do just that in the upcoming year. So, just because its cold outside does not mean we have to hibernate. Bundle up and join us for our upcoming events.
Upcoming Events: January 2, 2011 at 1:00pm BioBlitz #4to be held at College Farms Trail. We are excited to see what winter brings us at the site and what evidence we find of animal activity. College Farms public access and parking is available at the end of Yale Farms Lane, Prospect. Hope to see you there! February 6, 2011 Escape cabin fever and join us for our 2nd Winter Hike & A Cup of Hot Chocolate, time and place TBA. March 19, 2011 at 8pm Owl Walk at the Prospect Reservoir. PLT was asked to co-host this event lead by the Regional Water Authority’s recreational program. April 27, 2011 PLT to celebrate 17 years! Guest speaker and time TBA. May 7, 2011. The 3rd Annual Kite Day, “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” at Caplan Park from 1-4pm (tentative). June 5, 2011. “Connecticut Trails Day Hike” at Kathan Woods Trail. Time TBA.

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