Monday, January 17, 2011

Upcoming Events & Fundraising Efforts

Upcoming Events

February 6
, 2011 Escape cabin fever and join us for our 2nd Winter Hike & A Cup of Hot Chocolate, at 2:00pm. We will be hiking the RWA property again this year (permit required). The hike will be lead by Lisa SanSoucie, Vice-President PLT with historical information of the area by Boardman Kathan, Board Member/Treasurer PLT. In the event of inclement weather, please call (203) 758-3646 for event cancellation notice the day of the event. No pets, please.

March 19, 2011 at 8pm Owl Walk at the Prospect Reservoir. PLT was asked to co-host this event lead by the Regional Water Authority’s recreational program. Join us in a search for owls at the Prospect Reservoir. Depending on ground conditions, we may walk a short distance. Wear good shoes and bring a flashlight. Meet at the intersection of Tress Rd. & Cornwall Ave. In the event of inclement weather, please call (203) 401-2660 for event cancellation notice the day of the event. No pets, please.

to both events: We will be meeting at the corner of Tress Road and Cornwall Avenue. Traveling east on Rt. 68 (towards Cheshire), turn right into Chatfield Road. At the end of Tress Road you will see a gate to the entrance of the Prospect Reservoir.

Fundraising Efforts & Membership Drive

Community Awards/Grants Programs

By Naugatuck Savings Bank
Each year NSB awards grants to local non-profit organizations. If you have an account with NSB your vote counts! It is a very simple process to cast your ballot for Prospect Land Trust. Last year, organizations needed just 17 votes to qualify for an award. You would have received a paper ballot with your last statement or better yet just go on line and cast your vote (see link below). It takes just seconds. PLT already has 3 votes in just from one household. Everyone who has an account is able to cast one vote. So, please consider participating in this very simple process. Don’t have an account but know someone that supports what PLT is doing please pass this information on to them. If awarded a grant, the money will be set aside to help fund trail development and establishment of proper property lines.

By Walmart Stores
In February PLT will also apply for a grant in the amount of approximately $600.00. If awarded the grant we will be using the money for the development and implementation of a Nature Arts & Crafts program for children and adults. The objective is to encourage families to reconnect with the great outdoors through a series of hands-on art events.

Membership Drive
During the month of January we continue with membership renewals. It is never to late to send in your renewal forms or to become a first time member. Membership fees are $10 for individuals, $15 for families, $30 corporation/business and $300 for a lifetime membership. Checks should be made out to Prospect Land Trust, Inc., and mailed to P.O. Box 7375 Prospect, CT 06712.

Please pass along information to a friend or family member that you feel would like to join us at one of our events or may consider becoming a member. THANK YOU

BioBlitz#4 1/2/11 at College Farms Hiking Trail

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