Saturday, February 4, 2012

Prospect Land Trust receives $500 Community Grant from IBM

IBM Community Grants program provides cash or IBM products to eligible community organizations and schools where IBM employees and retirees are actively volunteering, and in support of specific projects. In honor of their commitment along with pledged service hours IBMers are awarded along with their chosen non-profit organization. 

This recognition was recently given to IBMer Bill Rinckel for his volunteer work with the Prospect Land Trust. Bill is an on going member of the Prospect Land Trust, the Property Steward of the College Farms Hiking trail and he is also one of the newest members to the PLT Board of Directors.

The grant money will be used for trail maintenance/improvements and any property management needs that may arise in the future at College Farms.

College Farms is located at 29 Cambridge Drive, is open to the public for passive recreation and has a red blazed loop trail that is approximately 8/10ths of a mile. There is public parking and access to the trail located at the end of Yale Farms Lane cul-de-sac. This particular preserve consists of approximately 5.43 acres that was set aside as open space in 1999 as part of the subdivision process. This property has springs and wetlands, mature forests, Mountain Laurel thickets, rocky ledges and an abundance of wild life. It also has a vernal (or spring) pool, which is a rare, and fragile ecosystem that is critical for sustaining many threatened or endangered animal species. In Connecticut these species include spotted, Jefferson’s and marbled salamanders, wood frogs, eastern spadefoot toads, and fairy shrimp. The preserve also provides protected open space in the middle of a residential neighborhood, a benefit touted by realtors that enhances the property values of the entire neighborhood.
H. William (Bill) Rinckel, PMP, CPE
                                   Executive Project Manager Global Solutions,
                   Integration and Deployment IBM Global Technology Services



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