Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"America's Largest TRAILgating Party"

Prospect Land Trust Celebrates 

National Trails Day!

Join us on Sunday, June 3. 2:00p.m. to 4:00pm to be part of 
"America's Largest TRAILgating Party"
 at Kathan Woods in Prospect CT. 

This 3-mile hike will follow a trail that covers a scenic and historical part of Prospect, featuring wood roads used by teamsters for mid-19th century Waterbury brass mills, part of the original Quinnipiac Blue Trail with "bluff Head", the original "Loop Trail" on a PLT property, an abandoned early town road, and 1790 farmhouse.

Meet leaders Boardman Kathan and Lisa SanSoucie at Boardman Drive cul-de-sac, off Plank Road (which is off of Route 68 nearly 1 mile west of the  Routes 68 and 70 intersection).

Heavy rain cancels. Pre-registration is not necessary. Questions: contact Boardman Kathan, (203)758-0658,
Happy Hiker at Trails Day 2011

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