Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Prospect Land Trust Celebrates 20 Years!

Prospect Land Trust Celebrates 20 Years!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been 20 years since the inception of the Prospect Land Trust. During this time, 6 properties and 1 conservation easement have come under the protection and stewardship of the PLT. As a group we have always worked to raise awareness of the environment and have advocated for open space in our town. 

To celebrate this key milestone of 20 years you are cordially invited to join us on Saturday April 26th  for a bird walk lead by Greg Hanisek (naturalist, writer and editor for the Waterbury Republican American newspaper) and Sunday April 27th for an Anniversary Dinner at Dom’s Brickhouse with guest speaker Greg Hanisek who will be presenting his “The Making of a Naturalist” slide show. Both events are open to the public. Further details/times TBA and a RSVP form will be in the April issue of the Prospect Pages as well as PLT’s web page at www.ProspectLandTrust.blogspot.com

We look forward to see you!

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