Monday, July 9, 2018

Prospect Land Trust & Cub Scout Pack 27 Hike Sunday, July 8th

What a great way to spend Sunday afternoon with Cub Scout Pack 27. With the heat wave lifted and the humidity at a low the woods were enjoyable and ready for exploring. After hearing a little background information about Kathan Woods and reviewing the trail map at the Kiosk, the group headed out to hike the Yellow and Blue loop trails. The 2.5-mile hike featured old stone walls, rocky outcrops and a brook where little tiny fish were noted. Along the way different trees were identified and the Cubs saw up-close the damage done by the Emerald Ash Borer Beetle to the Ash trees. Native wildflowers; Indian pipe, Partridgeberry and Spotted wintergreen as well as many examples of Boletus edulis mushrooms were seen. Evidence of the Green elfcup mushroom were present as seen in the blue/green staining found on pieces of wood along the trail.  The group also stumbled upon what appeared to be a piece a vertebrae form an animal which was happily passed around for closer inspection.  Finally, a hike would not be complete without seeing a toad.  The hike was lead by Lisa SanSoucie from the Prospect Land Trust and Christine Sedita, Den Leader.

Interested in joining the Prospect Land Trust the cost is; Individual $20, Family $25, Corporation $30 and a Life Time Membership is $300. For a quick and easy way to make a donation and pay membership dues visit us on-line and simply hit the donation button. If you would like to send PLT a check you can mail it with your instructions to Prospect Land Trust, P.O. Box 7375, Prospect, CT 06712. Don’t forget to give us your contact info: Name, Address, email and phone.

The Prospect Land Trust also has a scholarship fund for you to contribute to. Your contribution would be assisting a future environmental scientists.

Remember Your tax-deductible contribution to PLT will help preserve Prospect’s open spaces like The Woods and make a difference in the lives of many for years to come. THANK YOU!

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